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Definition Recently, the term "Wellness" has become a very popular marketing catch phrase, used by anyone having to do with health related services and/or products. The term "Wellness" was created by natural health practitioners, who can be penalized for using "official" medical terms in describing the holistic work they do A word that speaks to the very heart of holistic practice and its results. It is however, a word contrary to the industrialized medical model that has come to dominate America healthcare since 1910. Wellness is a word that implies and represents, the practice of using "natural" means, in achieving and maintaining ones health and well being. Of working with the body, in the resolve of any issue it may have, through the use of natures power, in supporting that process. "Wellness and Wellbeing". Only found through the application of true Wellness endeavors.
Psychology Of Wellness
One of the most phenomenal aspects of Wellness (or lack thereof) in today’s world, is the large portion of the population who “enjoy” poor health. They enjoy going to the doctor and being the center of attention, if only for a few moments - it’s an adventure, an outing, an event, were they are touched and prodded by a safe-stranger, seen naked and share the most intimate of details. When special procedures are scheduled, they are publicly at the center of attention, for time off, travel considerations, etc.
“Just because you’re not sick Recovery from such events can be absolute glory-days, with; time-off, sympathy by family and friends, repeated trips for follow up's and as a bonus, if they’re lucky, the mother-load of all medical vanities - ongoing therapy. Of course in all of this, usually before, during and after, are the synthetic chemicals called medicine.
Like trophies on the mantel, bragging-rights go to the person who consumes the most pills, with first place going to the highest dosage. Besides, what else is there, when you’re trained to be, a good healthcare “consumer”. This is why so many people have such a hard time understanding “Wellness”, since it is a completely foreign concept in today’s consumer-based, consumption, world. Wellness is a total reversal of everything people have been programmed to believe. A lifestyle that requires considerable work, in ongoing personal study, practice and discipline to accomplish.
Wellness is the absence of illness, in all it’s forms. This is why in today’s “consumer” world - wellness is not a welcomed state of being. Because how much bragging can you do, when everything is absent that you could brag (complain) about? What are you going to say – my liver is great, my blood pressure is normal and my ADHD is gone? If you say such things, people will stare at you with the “deer in the headlights” look and walk away. In today’s secular consumer world, Wellness is almost like practicing a religious faith. It requires a disciplined focus, study, lifestyle and practice. It is a way of thinking that is humbled by the majesty of what the human body can do on its own, when it's understood and observed. Backed by an environment that supports the body’s ability to become and remain healthy, with an ongoing routine that helps continually expand the first two. A practice that those around you will not understand and will find confusing. Wellness is a quiet place of being, where pain and illness are absent, where watchful signs of distress are quickly met with personal corrective-actions. It is a personal and private practice, supported by study and understanding of the body, in how it works and what it needs to stay healthy through “organic” means.
History and Words
Up until 1910, the most successful medical practices were based around Herbalists, Chiropractory and Homeopathy. Medical endeavors that left doctors unable to profit from “medicinal” practices. A nation wide wellness system, backed up by over 150 holistic-based medical colleges. These lost wellness arts are now slowly being revived and with luck, will eventually find widespread acceptance through the Affordable Care Act Section 2706. A law, requiring insurance companies to accept "alternative" medical practices, by doctors and health providers who have a state-recognized license. It is however something that looks good on paper, but in practices is something fraught with danger for the "licensed" provider. Since medical protocols, are formulated by the pharmaceutical industry, enforced through the FDA, then dictated and monitored by state medical boards. Which means that if a "licensed" practitioner goes outside the boundaries of the protocols, such as praying with their patients, they can loose their medical license. "Your health and your well being, can only be
determined by you.
When those with financial interest in your health, diagnose your
the results are predetermined. Today, there are countless sources of alternative “wellness” solutions. Such as - the quiet “healers” who are referred only by word of mouth, the tucked away herbalist shops, or the main street “health food” stores with their wellness products, and of course "online" sites. All are wonderful resources, for those who choose a TRUE Wellness Lifestyle. Since 1910, anyone wanting to practice in and speak of “Wellness”, are not allowed to use several “medical” terms. As these are words reserved, for only those who are sanctioned by the state. A certification requiring, that even if a doctor knows of a cure to a patients illness, unless it's part of the approved medical "protocol", the patient cannot be told. Today, we hopefully stand at the beginning of a Third Generation in wellness practice, where words and practice can regain their true meaning. Where the quality of ones health is not determined by how much can be “dumped” into you, but by how little is used. And where healing practices are recognized and rewarded, by the results they produce, through minimalist provisions of resolve.
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